Owen's C Division

A portfolio of my projects I have worked on independently by following paid courses as well as University projects.

Disclaimer, a lot of the code may have been followed or reused from lectures/teachers instructions as a path for learning. Work completed here is for the purpose of learning only and demonstrating my interesting in the game programming world. 

Artificial Theifs - AI Focused Game

Here is the link to my GitHub demonstrating the code I used to create Artificial Theifs games for my University course https://github.com/OWENBEEKS/AI-based-game-programming/tree/72457f14f214ee8ae4c8b6b998bfc49cc98204ce/Artificial%20Theifs/Artificial%20Theifs

RPG Game

RPG game created by following GameDevTV tutorial


Zombie Runner

FPS game created by following GameDevTV tutorial


Unity VR Museum (Oculus Quest 2)
