Owen's C Division
A portfolio of my projects I have worked on independently by following paid courses as well as University projects.
A portfolio of my projects I have worked on independently by following paid courses as well as University projects.
Disclaimer, a lot of the code may have been followed or reused from lectures/teachers instructions as a path for learning. Work completed here is for the purpose of learning only and demonstrating my interesting in the game programming world.
Artificial Theifs - AI Focused Game
Artificial Theifs - AI Focused Game
Here is the link to my GitHub demonstrating the code I used to create Artificial Theifs games for my University course https://github.com/OWENBEEKS/AI-based-game-programming/tree/72457f14f214ee8ae4c8b6b998bfc49cc98204ce/Artificial%20Theifs/Artificial%20Theifs
Zombie Runner
Zombie Runner
FPS game created by following GameDevTV tutorial
Unity VR Museum (Oculus Quest 2)
Unity VR Museum (Oculus Quest 2)
Created by following the Unity VR labs https://github.com/OWENBEEKS/UnityVRAssignment/tree/main/Create-with-VR_2021LTS/VR%20Room